Monday, January 18, 2010

The Bodyguard?

Last night, Sunday, January 17th I watched the season premiere of a new show "Human Target" on Fox. Overall it was what you'd expect from an action based television show. A few observations: the actors didn't look comfortable with their guns, which ended up looking well... plain awkward. Also, the visual effects budget is prevalent. The antagonist, Christopher Chance, played by Mark Valley had some simple cliche and cheesy one liners said without much emotion. Overall, I really don't want to watch the next episode, however... there is an intriguing character ,Guerrero, played by Jackie Earle Haley (some of you may remember him from the classic movies The Bad News Bears). I almost turned the channel before previews of next weeks episode, yet luckily I didn't. It showed Guerrero being witty and just truly a compelling character. He may save the show, we will just have to wait and see next Sunday.

Jackie Earle Haley as Guerrero


  1. I love Jackie Earle Haley! Who doesn't like Kelly from The Bad News Bears.
    I might have to watch this show next week, thanks.

  2. I have the show on tivo but won't be able to watch it until next week. I appreciate the review of it so I'm not shocked when I watch it.
