Monday, January 25, 2010

"Ladies... One rose left." I CAN COUNT THANK YOU!!!

The Bachelor is back with it's.... I think everyone has lost count of what season. Anyway, my mom ( < check it out)
To be honest this show really grinds my gears. These women come onto the show "looking for love" while the man is looking to kiss eight different ladies in one "group date". There are many flaws with the logic behind finding true love on the Bachelor. First off this man is basically dating 10 people at once... I don't know what many think, but that doesn't seem like a great way to get to know someone. For example, the latest Bachelor, Jake Pavelka, will be having a heart to heart conversation with one lady then three transitions later he will be all over another lady. Also, so many of the people who come on this show seem so fake.... Or as my mom says, "they look like hookers" well something along those lines.

The show is just fundamentally wrong. However, they have done a great job with toning down the hot tub scenes. I remember when I was a youngin', I would look up from my gameboy to see the group in a hot tub almost all the time. So props to the producers for noticing their obsession with bikinis and hot tubs. I cannot believe how many seasons this show has pumped out and I really hope that it stops soon. It embarrasses me that this show gets so many viewers... Especially when there are many more better shows, such as The Mentalist and Leverage. Then again our current population is obsessed with reality television. Finally, Jake you need to realize there is more then one hair color, apparently you only see BLONDE.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Youtube Movie of the Week (#3)

This song has swept America, there is nothing more needed to be said. Enjoy.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Generation of Trash Talk

I have recently been playing my fair share of the hit game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. In this latest installment of the Call of Duty franchise Infinity Ward made it so that you HAVE to be in game chat while playing some game modes online. This causes you to have to unplug your microphone or talk to people you may not know. Personally, I'd rather be in a "party" so I can talk to friends that are playing a different game then me, but this isn't always possible when I play some Modern Warfare 2 at times.

I understand that Infinity Ward was trying to promote team work and communication, but it's been proven not to work. Basically game chat should be renamed "trash talk." Over the weekend my friends and I were playing, we are all between the ages 15 and 18. In game chat, there were two guys were obviously between the ages 9 and 12. The surprising thing was the words they were saying. They were along the line of "yeah I f****in owned that f'er" or "F**K HE JUST RAPED ME". Honestly it was getting extremely old so luckily you have the possibility to mute others.

Yes, I know what do you expect? People talking trash online. I understand older players and my age group are known to cuss also. This got me thinking, is online gaming breeding a generation of impolite people? Who is to say that these younger kids are not taking these online habits and applying them to real life? To be honest I am a polite person, my mom taught me manners and I practice them. Much of the time people are surprised when I simply say things like "please" and "thank you". In 8th grade at end of the school year movie party I was the only kid apparently out of eighty to say thank you when I received popcorn. This obsessive trash talking online is defiantly not going to help this lack of manners which appears to be turning into an epidemic.

Sadly, my generation must fix this crisis we are in. If we can't practice simple things such as being polite, we are in a great amount of trouble. (I am not saying I never cuss cause I do, but not as much as some of these younger gamers who seem to use vulgar language just because they can) Also, I would like to give a shout out for my mom, her blog is Don't forget to subscribe ;D

The Bodyguard?

Last night, Sunday, January 17th I watched the season premiere of a new show "Human Target" on Fox. Overall it was what you'd expect from an action based television show. A few observations: the actors didn't look comfortable with their guns, which ended up looking well... plain awkward. Also, the visual effects budget is prevalent. The antagonist, Christopher Chance, played by Mark Valley had some simple cliche and cheesy one liners said without much emotion. Overall, I really don't want to watch the next episode, however... there is an intriguing character ,Guerrero, played by Jackie Earle Haley (some of you may remember him from the classic movies The Bad News Bears). I almost turned the channel before previews of next weeks episode, yet luckily I didn't. It showed Guerrero being witty and just truly a compelling character. He may save the show, we will just have to wait and see next Sunday.

Jackie Earle Haley as Guerrero