Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Youtube Movie of the Week (#2)

Lance Armstrong, some hate him while some idolize him. I am a huge fan, even though he endorsed McCain I still think he is a BEAST. In this movie it shows Lance dominate the infamous Alpe D'Huez in 2001. To those who are not avid Tour de France watchers, Alpe D'Huez is the hardest stage climbing wise in the tour... You may not be able to tell from the movie but Lance is flying up a really steep hill. Enjoy.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

It Was Sweet, But Not a Sweet Deal

The people working the garage sale I went to today were out to make money, it wasn't the typical looking to get rid of stuff. Everything was priced high, except the cd's and dvd's but that's not where you make bank... at least on ebay. I pulled up on my bike feeling hopeful, until I saw the unbelievable prices, that seven dollars in my pocket just wouldn't fit the bill.
They had tones of older coke-a-cola bottles and Pepsi cans. They wanted 5 dollars for a single bottle of a coke-a-cola that was made in 1993, that is not that old, only a year older than me for crying out loud. I tried getting them down to three or two even my walk a way didn't change their minds. I was also eyeing their Elvis Pepsi cans. Couldn't make them budge on the six dollar price. So I decided to quickly ride home and check the prices of the sodas online, if good I would go back. I didn't go back.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Youtube Movie of the Week

I watch my fare share of youtube movies. So every week I will be posting my favorite youtube movie for the week. This week it is a movie with the trial rider Danny MacAskill. He makes riding a bike look like art. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Double Bust

Today I stumbled into two garage sales and an estate sale. Yes there is a difference between garage sale and estate sales, a garage sale is usually just people getting rid of junk. While an estate sale usually the owner of the house s dead, and a private company sells their stuff for the family.
At the Estate sale there were many interesting things from tools used for working on cars to sturdy yard tools for dirt cheap. Besides that I didn't notice much else, just some of the norm such as televisions to kitchen utensils. All that I purchased there were some yard tools for my dad, which is a bust for me since I will be the one using them in the near future.
As for the two garage sales, it was just a bunch of junky and cheap christmas stuff manufactured in china. That did not strike my fancy at all. So in the end I just walked away, slightly disappointed since the ad was sooo misleading. Hopefully next week will be better, we will just have to wait and see.
Who needs Home Depot, Six Dollars for both.

Friday, November 27, 2009

And Here We Go.

So the question is "what am I doing?" Well basically I need a source of income. With the terrible state of the economy, it's been hard as a high school sophomore competing for jobs against people who don't have to attend school or extra curricular activities such as clubs and sports. What is my master plan, you ask? It's simple really, I go scout the garage sales, buy what they have to offer, and turn around and make a pretty penny by reselling it. Like they say, "one man's trash is another's treasure." Or in my case a good way for me to generate an income on my terms.
This blog will cover my garage/estate sale adventures. I'll be describing what I find, post pictures, and much more. Also, this blog will include other posts such as an occasional review of a movie or video game, or even my political views. Stay tuned...& thanks for stopping by.